Automatic Accurate Stop

from TwinCAT version 2.7 Build 423


#set paramAutoAccurateStop(<angle>)#

Parameter <angle>

Limit angle (in degrees) after which an accurate stop is inserted


#set paramAutoAccurateStop( 0 )#

An accurate stop after a defined limit angle is inserted between 2 segments with the aid of the 'AutoAccurateStop' command.

For circle segments, the angle is calculated from the tangents at the points of entry and leaving.


#set paramAutoAccurateStop(45)# (angle in
N10 G01 X1000 Y0 Z0 F60000 (start position: X0 Y0 Z0)
N20 X0 Y500

Automatic Accurate Stop 1:

An accurate stop is inserted between segments A and B in this example.

Application field:

This command should be used in conjunction with Bezier blending, if acute angles are programmed in the NC program.

See also:

Automatic Accurate Stop 2:

This function has not yet been implemented for segment transitions with a helix.