Decoder stop (@714)

The interpreter offers the option to execute a decoder stop in the NC program. In this case the interpreter waits until a certain external event occurs. Execution of the NC program does not continue until this event has taken place.

A decoder stop can be used, for instance, to switch block skipping on or off from the PLC, or to re-assign R parameters.

Two events are available for continuing processing:

Acknowledgment of an M-function

Decoding of the NC program is interrupted until the M-function, which is programmed immediately prior to the decoder stop, is acknowledged. In other words, the M-function must be of type "handshake".

Sample 1:

N20 M43 (M-function with handshake)
N30 @714 (decoder stop)
N40 ...

SEC task is empty

The decoder stop does not necessarily have to be programmed in conjunction with an M-function. If the SEC task runs out of travel commands, an event is sent to the interpreter. This event causes the interpreter to start up again.

Decoder stop (@714) 1:

The decoder stop must not be programmed with active tool compensation or circular smoothing, as these will then no longer function.