Resetting of M-functions

Resetting fast signal bits

The signal bits are active until they are reset explicitly, or until an M30 (end of program) or channel reset is executed.

Resetting with reset list

Each M-function can reset up to 10 fast M-functions. If cooling medium is switched on with M8, for example, the cooling medium can be switched off again with M9. To this end simply enter M8 in the reset list for M9.

Automatic reset

During parameterization of the M-function an 'auto-reset flag' can be set. This means that the M-function is automatically reset at the end of the block.

In order for the PLC to be able to see the signal, the duration of the motion block must be long enough, or this M-function is combined with a handshake. The handshake may come from the same or a different M-function.

Reset from the PLC

The fast M-functions can be reset from the PLC via the 'ItpResetFastMFunc' function block. For reasons of transparency, mixed resets using via PLC and NC should be avoided.

Delete all pending M functions

A channel stop and a channel reset are used to reset all pending M functions. This is true for the 'handshake' type M functions, and also for the fast signal bits. If the NC program is terminated properly with M30, all M-functions are also cleared.