
There are input/output connections for channels, axes, encoders and drives.

Input/Output for NC channels

Standard channels, in other words channels for PTP axes, do not require any input/output connections. These are only required for interpreter channels.

A variable of type PLCTONC_CHANNEL is to be created in the PLC for each channel. These variable(s) must be associated with the NC channel variables Channelx_FromPlc (to be found under channel inputs). A variable of type NCTOPLC_CHANNEL is to be created in the PLC for each channel. These variable(s) must be associated with the NC channel variables Channelx_ToPlc (to be found under channel outputs). These variables are required to allow signals to be exchanged between the NC and the PLC. The following data is exchanged here:

It is not normally necessary to associate the individual variables

The description of the cyclic channel interface can be found in the appendix to the NC I.

Input/output for axes

A variable of type NCAXLESTRUCT_FROMPLC is to be created in the PLC for each axis. These variable(s) must be associated with the NC axis variables Axisx_FromPlc (to be found under axis inputs). A variable of type NCAXLESTRUCT_TOPLC is to be created in the PLC for each axis. These variable(s) must be associated with the NC axis variables Axisx_ToPlc (to be found under axis outputs). These variables are required to allow signals to be exchanged between the NC and the PLC. The following data is exchanged here:

It is not normally necessary to associate the individual variables

A description of the interfaces is to be found under

Input/output for encoders

Every encoder that is not of the "simulation" type must be associated with an actual value acquisition module. It is necessary to ensure here that the types in use are compatible with one another. A suitable type of encoder must be chosen.

cyclic interface from NC to the encoder

Input/output for drives

Every drive that does not belong to a simulated axis must be associated with a set value output module. It is necessary to ensure here that the types in use are compatible with one another. A suitable type of drive must be chosen.

cyclic interface from NC to the drive

Input/Output 1: