NC-PLC Errors
Error(Hex) | Error(dec) | Error type | Description |
4B00 | 19200 | Parameter | Axis was stopped The axis was stopped during travel to the target position. The axis may have been stopped with a PLC command via ADS, a call via AXFNC, or by the System Manager. |
4B01 | 19201 | Parameter | The axis cannot be started The axis cannot be started because:
4B02 | 19202 | Parameter | Control mode not permitted No target position control, and no position area control. |
4B03 | 19203 | Parameter | Axis is not moving The position and velocity can only be restarted while the axis is physically in motion. |
4B04 | 19204 | Parameter | Invalid mode Examples: |
4B05 | 19205 | Parameter | Command not permitted
4B06 | 19206 | Parameter | Parameter is not correct
4B07 | 19207 | Parameter | Timeout axis function block After positioning all "MC_Move..."function blocks, check whether positioning was completed successfully. In the simplest case, the "AxisHasJob" flag of the NC axis is checked, which initially signifies that positioning was logically completed. Depending on the parameterization of the NC axis, further checks (quality criteria) are used:
If the axis is logically at the target position (logical standstill) but the parameterized position window has not been reached, monitoring of the above-mentioned NC feedback is aborted with error 19207 (0x4B07) after a constant timeout of 6 seconds. |
4B08 | 19208 | Parameter | Axis is in protected mode The axis is in protected mode ( e.g. coupled) and cannot be moved. |
4B09 | 19209 | Parameter | Axis is not ready The axis is not ready and cannot be moved. |
4B0A | 19210 | Parameter | Error during referencing Referencing (homing) of the axis could not be started or was not successful. |
4B0B | 19211 | Parameter | Incorrect definition of the trigger input The definition of the trigger signal for function block MC_TouchProbe is incorrect. The defined encoder-ID, the trigger signal or the trigger edge are invalid. |
4B0C | 19212 | Function | Position latch was disabled The function block MC_TouchProbe has detected that a touch probe cycle it had started was disabled. The reason may be an axis reset, for example. |
4B0D | 19213 | Function | NC state feedback timeout A function was successfully sent from the PLC to the NC. An expected feedback in the axis status word has not arrived. |
4B0E | 19214 | Function | Additional product not installed The function is available as an supplement but is not installed on the system. |
4B0F | 19215 | Function | No NC Cycle Counter Update The NcToPlc Interface or the NC Cycle Counter in the NcToPlc Interface was not updated. |
Error numbers 0x4B10 .. 0x4B2F are used in TwinCAT NCI context: | |||
4B10 | 19216 | Function | M-function query missing This error occurs if the M-function was confirmed, but the request bit was not set. |
4B11 | 19217 | Parameter | Zero shift index is outside the range The index of the zero offset shift is invalid. |
4B12 | 19218 | Parameter | R parameter index or size is invalid This error occurs if the R parameters are written or read but the index or size are outside the range. |
4B13 | 19219 | Parameter | Index for tool description is invalid The index for the tool description is invalid. |
4B14 | 19220 | Function | Version of the cyclic channel interface does not match the requested function or the function block This error occurs if an older TwinCAT version is used to call new functions of a later TcNci.lib version. |
4B15 | 19221 | Function | Channel is not ready for the requested function The requested function cannot be executed, because the channel is in the wrong state. This error occurs during reverse travel, for example, if the axis was not stopped with ItpEStop first. |
4B16 | 19222 | Function | Requested function is not activated The requested function requires explicit activation. |
4B17 | 19223 | Function | Axis is already in another group The axis has already been added to another group. |
4B18 | 19224 | Function | Block search could not be executed successfully The block search has failed. Possible causes:
4B19 | 19225 | Parameter | Invalid block search parameter This error occurs if the FB ItpBlocksearch is called with invalid parameters (e.g. E_ItpDryRunMode, E_ItpBlockSearchMode) |
4B20 | 19232 | Function | Cannot add all axes This error occurs if an auxiliary axis is to be added to an interpolation group, but the function fails. It is likely that a preceding instruction of an auxiliary axis was skipped. |
Error numbers 0x4B30 .. 0x4B3F are used in the TcMcCam-Lib (MC_NC_TableErrorCodes): | |||
4B30 | 19248 | Parameter | Pointer is invalid A pointer to a data structure is invalid, e.g. Null
4B31 | 19249 | Parameter | Memory size invalid The specification of the memory size (SIZE) for a data structure is invalid.
4B32 | 19250 | Parameter | Cam plate ID is invalid The ID of a cam plate is not between 1 and 255. |
4B33 | 19251 | Parameter | Point ID is invalid The ID of a point (interpolation point) of a motion function is less than 1. |
4B34 | 19252 | Parameter | Number of points is invalid The number of points (interpolation points) of a cam plate to be read or written is less than 1. |
4B35 | 19253 | Parameter | MC table type is invalid The type of a cam plate does not match the definition MC_TableType. |
4B36 | 19254 | Parameter | Number of rows invalid The number of rows (interpolation points) of a cam plate is less than 1. |
4B37 | 19255 | Parameter | Number of columns invalid The number of columns of a cam plate is invalid.
4B38 | 19256 | Parameter | Step size invalid The step size for the interpolation is invalid, e.g. less than or equal to zero. |
Error numbers 0x4B0F, 0x4B40 .. 0x4B4F are used in several libraries (TcNc-Lib / Tc2_MC2_XFC-Lib): | |||
4B40 | 19264 | Monitoring | Terminal type not supported The terminal used is not supported by this function block. |
4B41 | 19265 | Monitoring | Register read/write error This error implies a validity error. |
4B42 | 19266 | Monitoring | Axis is enabled The axis is enabled but should not be enabled for this process. |
4B43 | 19267 | Parameter | Incorrect size of the compensation table The specified table size (in bytes) does not match the actual size |
4B44 | 19268 | Parameter | Positional deviation The minimum/maximum position in the compensation table does not match the position in the table description (ST_CompensationDesc) |
4B45 | 19269 | Parameter | Not implemented The requested function is not implemented in this combination |
4B46 | 19270 | Parameter | Window not in the specified modulo range The parameterized min or max position is not in the specified modulo range |
4B47 | 19271 | Monitoring | Buffer overflow The number of events has led to an overflow of the buffer and not all events could be acquired. |
Error numbers 0x4B50 .. 0x4B5F are used in the TcMcCam-Lib : | |||
Error numbers 0x4B60 .. 0x4B6F are used in the TcMc2-Lib in the buffered commands context: | |||
4B60 | 19296 | Monitoring | Motion command did not become active A motion command has been started and has been buffered and confirmed by the NC. Nevertheless, the motion command did not become active (possibly due to a termination condition or an internal NC error). |
4B61 | 19297 | Monitoring | Motion command could not be monitored by the PLC A motion command has been started and has been buffered and confirmed by the NC. The PLC has not been able to monitor the execution of this command and the execution status is unclear since the NC is already executing a more recent command. The execution state is unclear. This error may come up with very short buffered motion commands which are executed during one PLC cycle. |
4B62 | 19298 | Monitoring | Buffered command was terminated with an error A buffered command was terminated with an error. The error number is not available, because a new command is already being executed. |
4B63 | 19299 | Monitoring | Buffered command was completed without feedback A buffered command was completed but there was no feedback to indicate success or failure. |
4B64 | 19300 | Monitoring | 'BufferMode' is not supported by the command The 'BufferMode' is not supported by this command. |
4B65 | 19301 | Monitoring | Command number is zero The command number for queued commands managed by the system unexpectedly has the value 0. |
4B66 | 19302 | Monitoring | Function block was not called cyclically The function block was not called cyclically. The command execution could not be monitored by the PLC, because the NC was already executing a subsequent command. The execution state is unclear. |
Error numbers 0x4B70 .. 0x4B8F are used in the TcPlcInterpolation-Lib : | |||
4B71 | 19313 | Parameter | Invalid NCI entry type The FB FB_NciFeedTablePreparation was called with an unknown nEntryType. |
4B72 | 19314 | Function | NCI feed table full The table is full and therefore the entry is not accepted. |
4B73 | 19315 | Function | Internal error
4B74 | 19316 | Parameter | ST_NciTangentialFollowingDesc: Tangential axis is not an auxiliary axis The entry for tangential following contains a tangential axis that is not an auxiliary axis. |
4B75 | 19317 | Parameter | ST_NciTangentialFollowingDesc nPathAxis1 or nPathAxis2 is not a path axis. It is therefore not possible to determine the plane. |
4B76 | 19318 | Parameter | ST_NciTangentialFollwoingDesc nPathAxis1 and nPathAxis2 are the same. It is therefore not possible to determine the plane. |
4B77 | 19319 | Parameter | ST_NciGeoCirclePlane Circle incorrectly parameterized |
4B78 | 19320 | Function | Internal error An internal error has occurred in the calculation of the tangential following. |
4B79 | 19321 | Monitoring | Tangential following Monitoring of the deviation angle was activated during activation of tangential following (E_TfErrorOnCritical1), and an excessively large deviation angle was detected in the current segment. |
4B7A | 19322 | Function | Reserved Reserved, currently not used. |
4B7B | 19323 | Parameter | Tangential following the radius of the current arc is too small |
4B7C | 19324 | Parameter | FB_NciFeedTablePreparation pEntry is NULL |
4B7D | 19325 | Parameter | FB_NciFeedTablePreparation the specified nEntryType does not match the structure type |
4B7E | 19326 | Parameter | ST_NciMFuncFast and ST_NciMFuncHsk The requested M-function is not between 0 and 159 |
4B7F | 19327 | Parameter | ST_NciDynOvr The requested value for the dynamic override is not between 0.01 and 1 |
4B80 | 19328 | Parameter | ST_NciVertexSmoothing Invalid parameter. This error is generated if a negative smoothing radius or an unknown smoothing type is encountered. |
4B81 | 19329 | Parameter | FB_NciFeedTablePrepartion The requested velocity is not in the valid range |
4B82 | 19330 | Parameter | ST_Nci* invalid parameter |
Error numbers 0x4B90 .. 0x4B9F are used in the Tc3_MC2_AdvancedHoming-Lib (PLCopen Part 5: Homing Procedures): | |||
4B90 | 19344 | Parameter | Drive type The determined drive type is not supported. |
4B91 | 19345 | Parameter | Direction The direction is impermissible. |
4B92 | 19346 |
| SwitchMode The SwitchMode is impermissible. |
4B93 | 19347 |
| Mode The mode for the parameter handling is impermissible. |
4B94 | 19348 |
| Torque limits The parameterization of the torque limits is inconsistent. |
4B95 | 19349 |
| Lag error limit The parameterization of the position lag limit is impermissible (<=0). |
4B96 | 19350 |
| Distance limit The parameterization of the distance limit is impermissible (<0). |
4B97 | 19351 |
| Saving parameters An attempt was made to back up parameters again, although they have already been backed up. |
4B98 | 19352 |
| Restoring parameters An attempt was made to restore parameters, although none have been backed up. |
4B9F | 19359 |
| Cancellation of a homing The abortion of a homing has failed. |
Error numbers 0x4BA0 .. 0x4BAF are used in the TcNcKinematicTransformation-Lib : | |||
4BA0 | 19360 | Function | KinGroup error The kinematic group is in an error state. This error may occur if the kinematic group is in an error state or an unexpected state when it is called (e.g., simultaneous call via several FB instances). |
4BA1 | 19361 | Function | KinGroup timeout Timeout during call of a kinematic block |
Error numbers 0x4BB0 .. 0x4BBF are used in the Tc2_MC2_Drive-Lib : | |||
4BB0 | 19376 | Function | Invalid axis position The current axis position or the axis position resulting from the new position offset exceeds the valid range of values. |
4BB1 | 19377 | Function | Invalid position offset The new position offset exceeds the valid range of values [AX5000: 2^31]. |
4BB2 | 19378 | Function | Invalid axis position The current axis position or the axis position resulting from the new position offset falls below the valid range of values. |
4BB3 | 19379 | Function | Invalid position offset The new position offset falls below the valid range of values [AX5000: -2^31]. |
4BB4 | 19380 | Function | Deviation of the activated feedback and/or storage location The activated feedback and/or storage location (AX5000: P-0-0275) differ from the parameterization on the function block. |
4BB5 | 19381 | Function | Reinitialization of the NC actual position has failed The reinitialization of the actual NC position has failed, e.g., reference system = "ABSOLUTE (with single overflow)" & software end position monitoring is disabled. |
4BB6 | 19382 | Function | The setting or deletion of a position offset was rejected The command to set or delete a position offset was rejected without feedback data, e.g., if the drive controller's firmware does not support the corresponding command. |
4BB7 | 19383 | Function | The setting or deletion of a position offset was rejected The command to set or delete a position offset was rejected with feedback data. The information in the feedback data may contain further clues to the cause, e.g. if the firmware of the drive controller does not support the corresponding command. |
4BB8 | 19384 | Function | Invalid firmware version A firmware version >= 19 is required for the servo terminal. |
4BB9 | 19385 | Function | Deviating modulo settings The modulo settings on the drive controller and in the NC are different. |
4BBA | 19386 | Function | Brake test failed The brake test has failed. |
4BBB | 19387 | Function | Not supported drive type The determined drive or axis type is not supported. |
4BBC | 19388 | Function | Command was aborted The command was aborted by another command. |
4BBD | 19389 | Function | TimeOut The command was aborted due to timeout. |
Error numbers 0x4BC0 .. 0x4BCF are used in the Tc3_DriveMotionControl-Lib : | |||
4BC2 | 19394 |
| Invalid position offset The new position offset exceeds the valid value range. |
4BC3 | 19395 |
| Invalid I/O data I/O data are invalid or the terminal is in an error state. |
4BC4 | 19396 |
| ADS port not linked in the interface The ADS port variable of the terminal was not linked to the axis interface of the PLC and parameters of the terminal are to be changed. |