Further Error Codes
Error(Hex) | Error(Dec) | ErrorType | Description |
0x8120 | 33056 | Environment | Invalid configuration for Object (e.g. in System Manager). |
0x8121 | 33057 | Environment | Invalid environment for Object (e.g. TcCom-Object's Hierarchy or missing/faulty Objects). |
0x8122 | 33058 | Environment | Incompatible Driver or Object. |
0x8124 | 33060 | Function Block | Command execution does not terminate (e. g. MC_Reset does not signal DONE). |
0x8130 | 33072 | Communication | Invalid ObjectID of Communication Target. |
0x8131 | 33073 | Communication | Communication Target expects Call in different Context. |
0x8132 | 33074 | Communication | Invalid State of Communication Target. |
0x8134 | 33076 | Communication | Communication with Communication Target cannot be established. |
0x813b | 33083 | Parameter | Transition Mode is invalid. |
0x813c | 33084 | Parameter | BufferMode is invalid. |
0x813d | 33085 | Function Block | Only one active Instance of Function Block per Group is allowed. |
0x813e | 33086 | State | Command is not allowed in current group state. |
0x813f | 33087 | Function Block | Slave cannot synchronize. The slave cannot reach the SlaveSyncPosition with the given dynamics. |
0x8140 | 33088 | Parameter | Invalid value for one or more of the dynamic parameters (Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk). |
0x8141 | 33089 | Parameter | IdentInGroup is invalid. |
0x8142 | 33090 | Parameter | The number of axes in the group is incompatible with the axes convention. |
0x8143 | 33091 | Communication | Function Block or respective Command is not supported by Target. |
0x8144 | 33092 | State | Command queue full. Command queue is completely filled up and cannot accept additional commands until some commands are fully processed. |
0x8145 | 33093 | Function Block | Mapping of Cyclic Interface between NC and PLC is missing (e.g. AXIS_REF, AXES_GROUP_REF, ...). |
0x8146 | 33094 | Function Block | Invalid Velocity Value. The velocity was not set or the entered value is invalid. |
0x8147 | 33095 | Parameter | Invalid Coordinate Dimension. The dimension of the set coordinate interpretation does not meet the requirements. |
0x8148 | 33096 | Function Block | Invalid Input Value. |
0x8149 | 33097 | Parameter | Unsupported Dynamics for selected Group Kernel. |
0x814a | 33098 | Parameter | The programmed position dimension incompatible with the axes convention. |
0x814b | 33099 | Function Block | Path buffer is invalid. E.g. because provided buffer has invalid address or is not big enough. |
0x814c | 33100 | Function Block | Path does not contain any element. |
0x814d | 33101 | Function Block | Provided Path buffer is too small to store more Path Elements. |
0x814e | 33102 | Parameter | Dimension or at least one Value of Transition Parameters is invalid. |
0x814f | 33103 | Function Block | Invalid or Incomplete Input Array. |
0x8150 | 33104 | Function Block | Path length is zero. |
0x8151 | 33105 | State | Command is not allowed in current axis state. |
0x8152 | 33106 | State | TwinCAT System is shutting down and cannot complete request. |
0x8153 | 33107 | Parameter | Configured axes convention and configured axes do not match. |
0x8154 | 33108 | Initialization | Invalid Number of ACS Axes. The number of ACS input axes does not match the number of ACS input axes expected by the kinematic transformation. |
0x8155 | 33109 | Initialization | Invalid Number of MCS Data. The number of MCS input data does not match the number expected by the kinematic transformation. |
0x8156 | 33110 | Initialization | Invalid Value Set for Kinematic Parameters. The numeric value set for the parameter does not reside within the respective definition range. |
0x8158 | 33112 | NC Programming | The Given ACS Values Cannot be Reached. The given ACS values result in an invalid machine configuration. |
0x8159 | 33113 | NC Programming | The Set Target Positions Cannot be Reached. The set target positions reside outside the admissible working space. |
0x815d | 33117 | NC Programming | Discontinuity in ACS axes detected. |
0x8160 | 33120 | NC Programming | Circle Specification in Path is invalid. The specification of a circle segment in the programmed interpolated path (e.g. via MC_MovePath) has an invalid or ambiguous description. Probably its center cannot be determined reliably. |
0x8161 | 33121 | NC Programming | Maximum stream lines reached. The maximum number of stream lines is limited. Please refer to function block documentation for details. |
0x8163 | 33123 | Function Block | Invalid First Segment. The corresponding element can only be analyzed with a well-defined start point. |
0x8164 | 33124 | Function Block | Invalid auxiliary point. The auxiliary point is not well-defined. |
0x8166 | 33126 | Function Block | Invalid parameter for GapControlMode. Invalid parameter for GapControlMode, most likely in combination with the group parameter GapControlDirection. |
0x8167 | 33127 | External | Group got unsupported Axis Event (e.g. State Change). Group got unsupported Axis Event (e.g. State Change e.g. triggered by a Single Axis Reset). |
0x8168 | 33128 | Parameter | Unsupported Compensation Type. The compensation type was either not set or is not supported by the addressed object. |
0x8169 | 33129 | Function Block | Master axis does not exist or cannot be used. |
0x816a | 33130 | External | Invalid or Missing Tracking Transformation. This error occurs at MC_TrackConveyorBelt if at the CoordTransform input an invalid object ID is used or the object ID points to an object that is not supported as coordinate transformation. |
0x816b | 33131 | Function Block | Position is not on Track. Either Track cannot be activated because Actual Position is not on Track, or Target Position is not on Active Track or TrackPart. |
0x816c | 33132 | Function Block | Axis does not have an activated track. |
0x816d | 33133 | NC Programming | Invalid Compensation ObjectId. An Object with this ObjectId does not exist or it is not of the right type (has to be a compensation). |
0x816e | 33134 | Monitoring | Axis is in error because axis was not in Target when InTargetAlarm Timer expired. |
0x816f | 33135 | State | Coupling would cause a cyclic dependency of axis (e.g. via MC_GearInPos). |
0x8170 | 33136 | Function Block | Axis was not added to an axes group, the command is not valid. |
0x817f | 33151 | State | Drive has invalid State. |
0x8181 | 33153 | Function Block | Parameter for gap control are invalid with the current configuration. Function block with gap control was issued to an axis that is not in a CA group. |
0x8182 | 33154 | Monitoring | Software position limit violation. Software position limits of at least one axis have been or would have been violated by a command. |
0x8183 | 33155 | NC Programming | Target position is not reachable. There is no path available to the target position or target position is unreachable in general. |
0x8185 | 33157 | NC Programming | The mover or one of its relevant coordinates is busy. Either the whole mover or at least of its coordinates relevant to the command are busy. |
0x8186 | 33158 | NC Programming | A collision has occurred or would occur. Either a collision has occurred or would occur if the command was executed. |
0x8187 | 33159 | NC Programming | Invalid Track Specification. The geometric extension of this track is incompatible with the already existing geometry of this or the other tracks. |
0x8188 | 33160 | NC Programming | Command not allowed in track state. |
0x8189 | 33161 | Function Block | Invalid Reference passed to Function Block. An invalid reference (or pointer) was used in a function block call. This can happen if a reference type is used before it was initialized. |
0x818a | 33162 | NC Programming | Path is locked against modifications. The path was locked to further changes. However, it might be resettable. |
0x818c | 33164 | Parameter | Position out of modulo range. Position must be larger or equal to zero and less or equal to the modulo factor when using modulo positioning. When using modulo positioning, the target position is interpreted in consideration of the AdditionalTurns variable at the Options input. |
0x818d | 33165 | Parameter | The specified value AdditionalTurns at the Options input is not allowed. The parameter AdditionalTurns must be zero for the specified value of the parameter Direction. |
0x818e | 33166 | Function Block | Master/Slave sync position incompatible with sync direction. The given sync positions require the slave moving in a direction which is not allowed while in synchronization phase. |
0x8f38 - | 36664 - | Internal | Internal Error. |
0x8f56 | 36694 | Internal | Internal Error. |
0x8f59 | 36697 | Internal | Internal Error. |
0x8f5c - | 36700 - | Internal | Internal Error. |
0x8f65 | 36709 | Internal | Internal Error. |
0x8f68 - | 36712 - | Internal | Internal Error. |