The Properties of the Slave

The slave's property page

The Properties of the Slave 1:

offers the facility that the name of the slave can be edited. One of the axes can be assigned to the slave.

Import allows files having the format (velocity, voltage) to be read in. The values can then be displayed as cubic splines. The type of the spline still needs to be adjusted in the table, according to the values.

If the Automatic Area Ratio checkbox is activated, a fixed area ratio for the two sides of the piston can be entered in the Area Ratio A/B field. The voltages are then automatically calculated for the B-side, which means that these values can no longer be modified in either the graph or the table.

Choosing Velocity Percent or Absolute makes it possible to work either with percentage velocity or with absolute figures. If Velocity Percent is chosen, then when Velocity A 100% is changed, the velocity values in the diagram are re-scaled in such a way that the percentage values remain constant.

The Table Id provides a unique identifying number (1.0.255) for the table, with the aid of which the table data is stored in the NC. It can be changed using a right mouse click in the menu

The Properties of the Slave 2:

with the Change Id... command.

Export Slave... allows the data from a movement diagram to be saved in an export file (*.tce). This data can be imported again under a master.