Port Range (Active FTP)
If you use the Active-FTP mode for connecting to the FTP Server, the Client has to choose the port for the connection establishment. For this reason it is possible to declare a port range. The TwinCAT FTP Client will choose a free port out of the range to create a connection to the FTP Server.
The port range will be configure with the following three registrykeys.
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Beckhoff\\TwinCAT FTP Client\\Configuration\ACTIVE_PortRangeEnabled"
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Beckhoff\\TwinCAT FTP Client\\Configuration\ACTIVE_MaxPort"
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Beckhoff\\TwinCAT FTP Client\\Configuration\ACTIVE_MinPort"
To activate the port range you have to set the registrykey "ACTIVE_PortRangeEnabled" to 1. Else the TwinCAT FTP Client will be use any free port for the connection establishment.
With the registrykeys "ACTIVE_MaxPort" and "ACTIVE_MinPort" it is possible to declare the lower and upper bound of the range.