Configuration of Messages
This Sample describes the usage of the TcEventConfigurator.
The TcEventConfigurator
helps to configure your message system and to create message texts
in multiple languages. Its not necessary to edit the config files
yourself so time is saved and an error source is eliminated.
After creating the Configuration a PLC Program will be created and
the messages will be shown with the TcEventbar.
- Install and start the TcEventConfigurator.
- The Configurator starts with a simple Wizard for message
creation, follow the steps as shown on the Screenshots.
- After the Wizard has finished you have created your first Message. This message is given in german and english.
- The TcEventConfigurator offers a clean surface to edit and create nessages. With minimal effort you can add more languages and messages.
- Save the Configuration. Chose TcXmlFormatter As file type and accept the following message box with Ok - your Configuration is now active.
- With a right click on any
message you can create PLC code to trigger the message.
- Add this Code to a PLC Program and trigger the message.
- Start the TcEventbar. The Message is shown.