
The file TcEventSourceLocation.xml defines the location of the event configuration for every Source of the TcXmlFormatter. This file is located in the TwinCAT/Resource directory.
The current path of the Resource directory can be read from the Registry under the key value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT\System\[ResourcePath].
The following screenshot shows the Registry value:

TcEventSourceLocation 1:


This picture shows the XML scheme, that describes the TcEventSourceLocation XML file.

TcEventSourceLocation 2:

This table describes the nodes of the XML file:




The only root element. It contains a list of the location elements from 0 to infinite.


Location is the location of the XML files with the Source Ids that belongs to the XmlEventConfguration. The nodes has 2 subnodes: SourceId and Path.


Integer with the Source Id.


String with the relative path of filename to the XmlEventConfguration for a Source Id.


The following text shows an example TcEventSourceLocation.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This example shows the location of the I/O messages, NC messages and user defined messages with the Source Id 1 in the user.xml file, that is located in the same directory.