The interface ITcEventViewLight is used to control the apperance of the light version of the TcEventVierwer ActiveX control. The interface derives from IDispatch so that it can be used by all languages that support COM automation interfaces. IDispatch itself derives from IUnknown.
IUnknown Methods | Description |
QueryInterface | Returns a pointer to the queried interface |
AddRef | Increments the reference counter |
Release | Decrements the reference counter |
IDispatch Methods | Description |
GetIDsOfNames | Maps a single member name and an optional set of parameter names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (DISPIDs), which can be used on subsequent calls to IDispatch::Invoke. |
GetTypeInfo | Retrieves the type information of an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | Retrieves the number of type information interfaces that an object provides, either 0 or 1. |
Invoke | Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object. |
ITcEventView Methods | Description |
displays the logged events | |
displays the active events | |
confirms one event | |
resets one event | |
sets and returns the language that's used for displaying event message and the source name | |
returns or sets the disable state of context menu | |
marks one event as selected | |
adds a remote connection to another EventLogger. | |
deletes a remote connection to another EventLogger. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the computer name or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event id or returns the state. | |
sets or returns the width of the columns event class | |
sets or returns the width of the column confirmation state | |
sets or returns the width of the column event state | |
sets or returns the width of the column event source | |
sets or returns the width of the column event date | |
sets or returns the width of the column event time | |
sets or returns the width of the columns event id | |
sets or returns the width of the column computer name | |
sets or returns the width of the column event message | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event class or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the confirmation state or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event state or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the source name or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event date or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event time or returns the state. | |
enables or disables the column that displays the event message or returns the state. | |
returns index of the event that is selected by the user | |
sets or returns the display mode of the TcEventViewer | |
sets or returns the maximum number of displayed events. | |
Enables or disables the column header. | |
Enables or disables the ContextMenu. | |
Enables or disables the Scrollbars. |