This property sets or returns if the Event View uses en external or the standard internal String Tables. The event view will reffer to its threads LCID when deciding in what language e.g. the column header it will be displayed. The TcEventview currently supports German, Englis (U.S.), French, Italian and Spanish. If your prefferred language is none of those, you may set this property to true. The TcEventView will then search the folder '%TwinCat\Resource' for the file 'TcEventViewLangRes.xml' in this file you may specify additional languages. This sample configuration shows you how to set up your XML resource.
Property get
HRESULT get_UseExternalLanguageResource([out, retval] long* pVal);
[out, retval] pointer to variable that receives the current state.
Return Values
S_OK Function was successfully called |
pVal was no valid pointer
Property set
HRESULT put_UseExternalLanguageResource([in] long newVal);
[in] A variable that sets the state.
Return Values
S_OK Function was successfully called |
Visual Basic sample code
Option Explicit
' add the Beckhoff TcEvent View Library to the components
' place a TcEventView on the form, and assign the name TcEventView1
Private Sub Form_Load()
TcEventView1.UseExternalLanguageResource = true
End Sub