This property enables or disables the column that displays the Event Date or returns the state.
Property get
HRESULT get_DisplayDate([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL*pVal);
[out, retval] pointer to VARIANT_BOOL variable that receives the visible state of the list view Event Date. It's visible if the variable is VARINAT_TRUE (TRUE) and invisible if the variable is VARIANT_FALSE (FALSE).
Return Values
S_OK Function was successfully called E_POINTER pVal was no valid pointer
Property get
HRESULT put_DisplayDate([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
[in] A variable that sets the visible state of the list view column Event Date. It's visible if the variable is VARINAT_TRUE (TRUE) and invisible if the variable is VARIANT_FALSE (FALSE).
Return Values
Function was successfully called
Visual Basic sample code
Option Explicit
' add the Beckhoff TcEvent View Library to the components
' place a TcEventView on the form, and assign the name
Private Sub Form_Load()
TcEventView1.DisplayDate = True
End Sub