This property sets or returns the color that is used to display state information. The state information had been issued from the PLC function block ADSLOGEVENT by setting the flag from FALSE to TRUE (or other ADS device) or from a call to a Report Event Function like ITcEventLogC::ReportEvent,ITcEventC3::ReportEventEx or ITcEventLog::ReportEvent with the TcEventClass set to TCEVENTCLASS_STATEINFO.
Property get
HRESULT get_StateInfoTextColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* pVal);
[out, retval] pointer to OLE_COLOR variable that receives the text color that is used to display state informations.
Return Values
S_OK Function was successfully called E_POINTER pVal was no valid pointer
Property let
HRESULT put_StateInfoTextColor([in] OLE_COLOR newVal);
[in] A variable that sets the text color that is used to display state informations.
Return Values
Function was successfully called
Visual Basic sample code
Option Explicit
' add the Beckhoff TcEvent View Library to the components
' place a TcEventView on the form, and assign the name TcEventView1
Private Sub Form_Load()
' display state information with red text color
TcEventView1.StateInfoTextColor = RGB(255, 0,0)
End Sub