This property sets and returns the language that is used for displaying the viewer, event messages and source names.
You may either supply only the primary language id (e.g. ENG = 9; GER = 7) or a compete LCID (e.g. ENG = 1033; GER = 1031). The TcEventViewer will then decide what the parameter is. Setting the language id will have two effects: on the one hand it will switch its internal string table to the specified language, on the other hand it will delegate the supplied value to the TcEventFormatter. It is important to understand that the supplied values will only be delegated to the formatter. If you specify Lang id as 7 (GER) the default formatters will lookup the string '7'. If in your resource file german is defined as '1031', the ressource will not be found - and vice versa.
Property get
HRESULT get_LangId([out, retval] long *pVal);
[out, retval] pointer to a long variable that receives the actual selected language id
Return Values
Function was successfully called
pVal was no valid pointer
Property let
HRESULT put_LangId([in] long newVal);
[in] The language Id of the requested language. The requested language should be tagged by *LCIDs. The next table shows a sample for some language ids. In the configuration of the event formatter the language are tagged by the same language id
LCID | Description |
1031 | German |
1033 | US English |
1034 | Spanish - Spain |
1036 | French |
Return Values
Function was successfully called
Visual Basic sample code Option Explicit Remarks If a new language is assigned all displayed events are retrieved again in the new selected languages |