Installation on Windows XP System

For installation of TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM driver the setup program TcVirtualSerialCOMDrv.exe must be executed, which is located on the "Beckhoff Software Products" CD in subdirectory Supplement\TwinCAT_Virtual_Serial_COM_Driver\Install.

After successful installation the Windows Device Manager shows under entry "TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM" one single "TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Device". If a previous version was installed, this version is replaced by the new driver.

The CE driver CAB files are stored within the TwinCAT system directory (default is "c:\TwinCAT\CE\Virtual Serial COM Driver CE\").

Note, that virtual serial ports created by the Virtual Serial COM driver are not visible in the Windows Device Manager.

Starting with version 1.16 the setup installs the TwinCAT Server TcEL60xxStartSync. TwinCAT is stopped and the TwinCAT Server is added to "Default.tps". TcEL60xxStartSync synchronizes TwinCAT system start with the start of the TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM driver. This ensures that the TwinCAT System is not started until the driver has been completely initialized.

TwinCAT Storage Editor ("TcStgEditor.exe" in TwinCAT directory) can be used to open "Default.tps" and shows currently installed TwinCAT Servers. The following figure shows the state after a successful installation.

Installation on Windows XP System 1: