Additional Registry configuration

There is an option to make basic settings for the TwinCAT Database Server. The key "DBNullAllowed" can be used to activate toleration of NULL values from the database. In this case the function blocks do not return an error if NULL values occur. In addition, maximum lengths for byte arrays and strings can be defined. These maximum lengths are used for the function blocks FB_DBRecordReturn, FB_DBRecordArrayReturn, FB_DBStoredProceduresRecordReturn and FB_DBStoredProceduresRecordArray.

Additional Registry configuration 1:

The following keys can be adapted:
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT Database Server\Configuration] "DBNullAllowed"

By setting a 1 at this key the allowing of DBNull values can be enabled. If NULL values occur and this key is not set, an error is returned to the respective function block.
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT Database Server\Configuration] "MaxByteArrayLength"

Contains the maximum length of a byte array returned from the database to the PLC.
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT Database Server\Configuration] "MaxStringLength"

Contains the maximum length of a string returned from the database to the PLC.

Additional Registry configuration 2:

This function is supported from version 1.0.20.