Impersonate option
With the option Impersonate it is possible to indicate values for user authentication to create a network connection to public directories.
The TwinCAT Database Server will be executed in a system process. This is the reason why the Database Server have no rights on a remote device. You can circumvent this problem if grant read an write rights to the user "guest" on the public folder. Please notice, that this method is very unsafe, because every user has rights at the public folders.
To solve this problem the TwinCAT Database server contains the "Impersonate"-option to logon at the remote device with specified user authentication values. You only have to write these values into the Registry like the following image illustrate.
The following Keys must be created:
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT\System] "ImpersonatedPassword"
Contains the password for the authentication.
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT\System] "ImpersonatedUserDomain"
Contains the name of the domain in which the user is logged on.
->[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT\System] "ImpersonatedUserName"
Contains the Name of the User.