An application can sign on to the events listed below via the _ITcSystemEvents event interface. The event interface is implemented as an OLE connection point and can therefore easily be integrated with Visual Basic. Examples for the integration with other programming languages such as C++ are provided in the MSDN library.
Methods in Vtable sequence
IUnknown methods | Description |
QueryInterface | Returns a pointer to the interface requested. |
AddRef | Increments the reference counter. |
Release | Decrements the reference counter. |
IDispatch methods | Description |
GetTypeInfoCount | Supplies the number of "type information" interfaces, that an object offers (0 or 1). |
GetTypeInfo | Gets the type information for an object. |
GetIDsOfNames | Connects names of methods with optional arguments with a corresponding set of DISPIDs. |
Invoke | Offers access to properties and methods of an object. |
_ITcSystemEvents methods | Description |
Signals the starting of a TwinCAT system. | |
Signals the stopping of a TwinCAT system. |