Deselection of zero offsets (P-ZERO-00001)

Variable Name


Permissible range




0 / 1


This data controls the significance of zero offsets with the zero offsets group indices "0" that are chosen with “G53” or “G159 = 0” in the NC-program. If g53_verfuegbar is not allocated or allocated with zero, then, with the programming of “G53” or “ G159 = 0” in the NC-program, all zero offsets are calculated out of the traverse movements (deselection). **

On the other hand, for g53_verfuegbar = TRUE, the zero-set data block can also be used as a zero offsets data block, i.e. can be allocated with offset values not equal to ZERO. See also [3].

Deselection of zero offsets (P-ZERO-00001) 1:

**: G53 is automatically active only when the default_index is not or is allocated with zero.