Tool fixed / alignable (P-TOOL-00010)
The parameter "wz[i].tool_fixed" will be assigned with TRUE, if, in combination with the functionality "Machining Coordinate System" [Programming], the tool's orientation relative to the machine-axes coordinate system, cannot (e.g. because of not existing rotary axes) or should not be altered. In this case the tool axes offsets ("wz[i].ax_versatz[j]"), as components of the tool offset vector, always relate to the machine axes.
Variable name | Type | Permissible range | Dimension |
tool_fixed | BOOLEAN | 0/1 | ---- |
For measurement in a machining coordinate system [Programming] by the parameter tool_fixed it will be stated whether the probe is aligned in parallel to the axes of the rotated coordinate system.
Extract from "werkz_d.lis":
# ==========================================================================
Tool data for tool no. 5
# ==========================================================================
wz[5].tool_fixed 1 # tool fixed