Cutter orientation ident. code (P-TOOL-00002)

For turning tools (wz[i].typ = 1) the orientation of the cutter with respect to the machining plane has to be specified through the parameter "wz[i].srk_lage". (Fig. 2.1).

Variable name


Permissible range




0 < srk_lage < 9


Cutter orientation ident. code (P-TOOL-00002) 1:

Detailed information on machining with turning tools is to be found in [Programming].

Cutter orientation ident. code (P-TOOL-00002) 2:
Figure 2.1: Ident. codes 1...9 for the orientation of turning tool tip in the machining plane.

EXAMPLE: The orientation of the cutter tip of tool 6 is described by the identification code 3.

Extract from "werkz_d.lis":

# ==========================================================================
# Tool data for tool no. 6
# ==========================================================================
wz[6].typ 1 # Turning tool
wz[6].srk_lage 3 # Cutter position 3