Selection/deselection of axis compensations in NC program

Selection/deselection of axis compensations in NC program 1:

TwinCat CNC: from V263.1501

The several axis compensations [FCT-C5] also can be selected and deselected directly by a command in the NC program. Axis specifically in one NC block for several axes different axis compensations can be activated or deactivated at the same time.

<axis_name> [ COMP [ [ON | OFF [ CROSS | PLANE | LEAD | TEMP ] ] | OFF_ALL] ]

<axis_name> Name of the axis

COMP Identification for selection/deselection of axis specific compensations. Must always be the first programmed keyword.

ON Switch on the programmed compensation(s)

OFF Switch off the programmed compensation(s)

CROSS Keyword for cross compensation

PLANE Keyword for plane compensation

LEAD Keyword for spindle leadscrew error compensation

TEMP Keyword for temperature compensation

OFF_ALL Switch off all active compensations. After the keyword no further compensations keywords may be programmed.

Programming examples

N10 X[COMP OFF CROSS PLANE] Switch off cross-and plane compensation in X axis
N50 X[COMP OFF CROSS] Y[COMP ON LEAD TEMP] Compensation programming of multiple axes in one common NC block
N100 Z[COMP OFF_ALL] Switch off all compensations in Z axis