Machine kinematics (KIN ID)

Machine kinematics (KIN ID)

Machine kinematics (KIN ID) 1:

The use of this feature requires the license for the extension package "Transformations". It is not included in the scope of the standard license.

The following instruction is used for defining the machine/tool head kinematics:

#KIN ID[ [<expr>] ] Definition Machine-/Tool head kinematic (modal)

<expr> The kinematics ID is used for identifying the machine- and/or tool-head-related kinematics types. Their default setting after system start-up results from the assignment of the kinematik_id element in the channel parameters list [1]-25.

By programming #KIN ID without parameters the default kinematics-ID will be set.

In addition, by allocation of the kin_id element in the tool data, a kinematics change can be carried out automatically with the tool change.

An unknown kinematics ID causes an error message to be output and decoding to be stopped on selection of RTCP TLC, or TOOL ORI CS.

Changing kinematics with #KIN ID... is not allowed when RTCP or TLC is active.

Programming example

N10 #TOOL ORI CS (Aligning tool; default kinematics from [1]-25 valid)
N20 T1 D1 (Tool selection)
N30 #TRAFO ON (RTCP selection, default kinematics from [1]-25 valid)
N40 #TRAFO OFF (RTCP de-selection)
N50 #KIN ID[2] (Selection of the kinematics that is stored in the
(internal library under the ID '2').
N60 #TRAFO ON (RTCP selection, kinematics 2)
N70 #TRAFO OFF (RTCP de-selection)
N80 M30