Programming in spindle-specific syntax

Spindle-specific syntax affords the advantage that several spindles can be programmed mutually independently in one NC-block.

This is carried out within a bracketed expression attached to the spindle name. Only specific commands are permitted in this bracketed expression, and these commands are always handled and executed spindle-specifically. The main spindle must be programmed by the main spindle name [1]-18.

<spindle_name> [ [ M3 | M4 | M5 | M19 ] [ REV<expr> ] [ POS<expr> ] { M<expr> } { H<expr> }
[ [G135|G137] [G136<expr>] ] ] { <spindle_name>[ .... ]}

<spindle_name> Spindle designation acccording to [1]-16/-18

M3, M4, M5, M19 Spindle-M-Functions

REV<expr> Spindle speed

POS<expr> Spindle position

M<expr> User specific M-Functions

H<expr> User specific H-Functions

G74 Homing

G167 Spindle override 100%

CALLAX Requesting of axes

PUTAX Releasing of axes

GET_DYNAMIK_DATA Taking over of dynamik tool data

G135, G136<expr>, G137 Feedforward control

Programming example

N10 S[M3 REV500 M19 POS45 M18 M15 H20...]      S2[M4 REV5000]