Gear change (G112)
G112 <spindle_name><expr> (non-modal)
G112 Gear change
<spindle_name><expr> Gear data record consisting of the spindle name in accordance with decoder parameter list and mathematical expression
Unlike gear changing via M40-45, in which the mechanical gear change operation is also performed implicitly, programming G112 together with the S-word triggers only updating of the spindle gear data (dynamic values) of one stage.
Mechanical changing of the right gear stage must be programmed by the user explicitly, e.g. by self-defined M-functions or like mentioned above via M40-45.
Notice | |
The spindle must be in standstill before changing of gear data record. This can be achieved in a previous NC block by programming a spindle stop (M5) or a spindle positioning (M19 ) |
Programming example
N010 G112 S2 (Load dynamic data of gear range 2 for spindle S)
N020 M3 S9000
N030 M5 (Stop spindle)
N040 G112 S1 (Load dynamic data of gear range 1 for spindle S)
N050 M4 S8000
N060 M30