Mode 3: Lateral surface
This mode is useful in lathes and machining centers. The desired contour on the cylindrical surface is programmed in millimeters (or inches) using a virtual coordinate system.

For programming a contour on the lateral surface, the three logical axes X, Y, Z are available. The contour will be programmed on the developed lateral surface in Cartesian coordinates. In this mode the reference radius R of the work piece must be programmed additionally.

In the lateral surface machining, the main plane will be formed by Z-C.

#CYL [ <1.main_axis_name>, <2.main_axis_name>, <3.main_axis_name><expr> ]
<1.main_axis_name> Axis name of the first main axis in accordance with the current main plane.
<2.main_axis_name> Axis name of the second main axis in accordance with the current main plane (virtual linear axis, flat projection).
<3.main_axis_name><expr> Axis name of the third main axis in accordance with the current main plane with specification of the reference radius.

The main plane (circular interpolation, tool radius compensation, etc.) is the one defined by the 1st main plane axis and 2nd main plane axis. A change of the main plane by G17, G19 is not allowed.
![]() | Additional axes can be programmed, and they are not affected by the transformation. |
This mode is canceled by:
The command above returns to the last active mode (e.g. mode 1). This means, the last active main plane is selected automatically, and the last active axes offsets are restored.
Programming example for lathes
Example with axis name "C" for second main axis.
#CAX [S, C] (Selection of lateral surface machining)
G01 X60 C45 (Setting- and positioning; X:60mm C:45°)
#CYL [Z, C, X60]
G00 G90 Z0 C0 (Z: 0mm C:0mm!)
G01 C100 F500
G02 Z100 R50
G01 C0