External variables(V.E.)

With the command "V.E. ..." , writing can be done to external addresses or reading can be done from external addresses in the NC-program. To be able to influence the decoding of an NC-program from out of a parallel process, an external access to this variable type can be executed through a special interface.

From the NC-channel the access to the external variables is possible synchronous by the interpolator or asynchronous by the decoder.

The initialization of external variables is actuated during the start up [8].

Programming example

N100 $IF V.E.EXT1 >= 100 (Corresponding to the value of V.E.EXT1)
(branching off is done into various cases)
N110 G01 X100 Y100 F1000
N120 $ELSE
N130 G01 X100 YV.E.EXT1 F1000 (Linear interpolation in Y-direction)
(with the value from V.E.EXT1)
N150 V.E.EXT1 = V.A.ABS.X (To the external variables the absolute)
(X-coordinates are assigned)
N160 G01 XV.E.EXT2 (Linear interpolation in X-direction)
(with the value from V.E.EXT2)