Programmable path override
This command allows, if required the different influencing of feed and rapid feed blocks in the NC program. The programmed override for path motions is active, if at least one axis is moving. Therefrom the real time influencing of the feed by the PLC is not affected.
As a second function also a programmable axis override is available.
If for an axis, involved in path motions also an axis override is defined, the effective path override results from the multiplication of both override values.
The function G166suppresses the effect of programmed override values. |
FEED_FACT<expr> Override factor for feed blocks [0,1% - 200%].
RAPID_FACT<expr> Override factor for rapid feed blocks [0,1% - 200%].
Programming example
N10 G00 G90 X0 Y0 Z0
(Path override G01 122.765%, G00 155.7%)
N30 G01 X100 Y100 Z100 F1000 Effective feed=1227.65
(Path override G01, G00 100%)
N50 G01 X200 Y200 Z200 F1000 Effective feed=1000
See also