Programming of control points

Programming of control points is done with linear blocks (G00, G01), whose target points are used as control points.

It must be ensured that the curve runs through the control points only at the start and end.

Programming example

N20 G01 X0 Y50 Z0 F10000
N40 X3 Y25
N50 X15 Y15
N60 X23 Y12
N70 X25 Y25
N80 X30 Y35
N90 X50 Y37.5
N100 X55 Y32.5
N110 X58 Y12
N120 X70 Y12
N130 X77.5 Y10
N140 X90 Y35
N150 X100 Y37.5
N170 M30

The following figure shows the contour resulting from the Programming example:

Programming of control points 1:
Fig. 11.10: Contour resulting from programming example

The figure shows the smoothing property of a B spline curve, especially for blocks N120/N130. Moreover, it shows that the curve will not pass through the control points. However, the polygon resulting from connecting the control points will give an idea of the actual shape of the curve.

Programming of control points 2:

In case of a B spline curve, it is not possible to directly specify the tangents at the curve ends. However, because the tangents of the curve is the same as the tangent of the corresponding moving blocks at the curve end, tangents may be given by programming the moving blocks at the curve end appropriately.