Specification of the type of transition

#SET ASPLINE MODE [ <start_transition>, <target_transition> ]  (modal)


<target_transition> Type of tangential transition between the spline curve and the adjacent (linear- or circular) movement blocks.

Type of transition



Tangent of the spline curve at the transition is automatically calculated


Tangential transition to the preceding or succeeding linear or circular block


Tangent of the spline curve at the transition is explicitly specified

The specification of the of transition type is optional. In case of a missing specification, transition type 1 is used as default.

Specification of the type of transition 1:
Fig. 11.8: Exampel for the combination of transition types 1 and 2

If explicit tangent specification is chosen for a certain transition (transition type 3) and if for a certain axis no tangent is programmed, then this tangent is automatically determined (transition type 1).