Inter-block valid comments

#COMMENT BEGIN Beginning of a comment block
: Disabled area. All lines are
: overlooked by the NC-kernel
: without being evaluated.
#COMMENT END End of a comment block

Both the commands must be programmed, respectively, in an own NC line, i.e. further NC commands in the same block are impermissible. Exception is line-by-line comment that is to be framed in with "(" and ")".

Comment blocks can be defined within or outside an NC-program, however, are restricted to the current file, since on the one hand calls from, and on the other hand returns from global subroutines included in the comments, are not evaluated.

Nesting of comments can be included application-specifically.

Programming example

Nesting enabled:

#COMMENT BEGIN Beginning ofcomment block 1
#COMMENT BEGIN Beginning of comment block 2
#COMMENT END End of comment block 2
#COMMENT END End of comment block 1

Nesting disabled:

#COMMENT BEGIN Beginning ofcomment block 1
#COMMENT BEGIN Beginning ofcomment block 2
#COMMENT END End of comment block 1 and 2

In the following cases, the NC-kernel generates error messages: