Selection/deselection of contour masking by tool radius compensation (G141/G140)
G140 Deselection of contour masking (modal, default)
G141 Selection of contour masking (modal)
If before finishing a rough machining with a tool larger in diameter and active tool radius compensation is executed, the danger of contour violation is given, if single contour elements have smaller dimensions than that of the tool geometry. To enable moving along coherent contour objects, using G140/G141 during active TRC makes it possible to mask contour elements, if contour violations are recognized, and to treat the following contour not be damaged.
Active contour masking on program end does not lead to an error message. On program automatically start the default function G140 is active.
Notice | |
The contour masking remains selected if tool radius compensation is deactivated by G40 and is activated again if also tool radius compensation is reselected. |