Setting the corner deceleration parameter values

#SET CORNER PARAM [ <expr_1>, <expr_2> <expr_3> ] (modal)

<expr_1> Distance between corners in mm

<expr_2> Corner feed rate unit (<expr_3>)

0: According to F word

1: Percent [%]

<expr_3> Corner feed rate

Specifying a distance between corners permits the point in the space to be computed from which onwards the path feed rate shall be reduced as a linear function of the distance. Here, the following definition applies:

The distance between corners that is to be programmed is related to the corrected path, not to the originally programmed target points.

The #SET command must be on a separate NC line. This means that further NC commands are not permitted in the same block.

Setting the corner deceleration parameter values 1:

The corner deceleration is only effective in combination with the linear slope[1]-26 .

Setting the corner deceleration parameter values 2:
Fig. 4. 46 : Illustration of feed at a circular inside contour