Corner distance contouring (Type 3)

If the position, where the original contour can be left is known, the user can specify the corner distances of the pre- and post-blocks, by which the bordering traverse blocks are to be shortened, explicitly.

They are limited if they exceed 45% of the path length of the pre- respectively post-block:

The parametering is done with the following statement:

[<action>] [CHECK_JERK<expr>] [MAX_ANGLE<expr>] [CONST_VEL<expr>]]

DIST Corner distance contouring

PRE_DIST<expr> Distance to the corner in mm. Deviation point from the original contour

Default value: 1 mm

POST_DIST<expr>Distance behind the corner in mm. Return point on the original contour

Default value: 1 mm

RELEVANT_PATH<expr> Minimum path length of relevant post-blocks in mm

Default value: 0 mm

RELEVANT_TRACK<expr> Minimum path length of tracking axis for relevant post blocks in mm

Default value: 0 mm

TRACK_DEV<expr> Maximum deviation of the coupled axes in mm

Default value: 0 mm

REMAIN_PART<expr> Remaining part in percent [0; 100] of the original block

Default value: 0 %

<action> Time of execution for additional actions:

Valid key words



Execution before the contour curve.


Execution during the contour curve (default).


Execution after the contour curve.

CHECK_JERK<expr> Monitoring of the jerk, caused by the curvature of the polynomic ([1]-41).




Without jerk monitoring (default).


Jerk monitoring based on the geometric ramp time [2]-16. Possibly the path velocity is reduced.


Jerk monitoring based on the ramp times[2]- 21..24 of the non-linear velocity profile.

MAX_ANGLE<expr> Maximum contour angle for transitions between two linear blocks in degrees, up to it contouring is active. The contour angle is not considered, if one of the transition blocks is a circular block.

Default value: 0° (this means, all path elements are contoured)

Corner distance contouring (Type 3) 1:

CONST_VEL<expr> Constant path velocity in the contouring area.

Programming example

Corner distance contouring (Type 3) 2:
Fig. 4.40: Corner distance contouring (Type 3)