Characteristic of velocity in the contouring section
Depending on axis parameterization and application it can be necessary to influence the characteristic of velocity in the contouring section. In the default definition the contouring section is moved with maximum permissible path velocity. This could lead to an inacceptable excitation of vibrations of the machine, if the axes have strongly different dynamics, because in the contouring section the path velocity must be adapted.
The characteristic in the contouring sections can be influenced by some specific control commands in the NC command #CONTOUR MODE.
In the following example the block transition from N6 to N7 is contoured by polynomials, which are moved in the contouring section with maximum velocity. This means, the velocity adaptation is done with different axes dynamics. The transition from N9 to N10 is also contoured, but without any velocity adaptation, what leads to a constant path velocity in the contouring section.
Programming example
N0004 G1 X0 Y0 Z0 F8000
N0006 X100 G61
N0007 Y100
N0009 X0 G61
N0010 Y0
N0020 M30