Setting of positive software limit switch (G99)

G99 Setting of positive software limit switch (non-modal)

G99 sets the positive limit switch positions in all programmed axes. Depending upon the G90/G91 setting, this can be absolute or cumulative to previous software-limit-switch position.

The positions for the positive limit switch are filed in the axis-specific variables

V.A.+SWE.X, V.A.+SWE.Y, V.A.+SWE.Z, etc.

(see also chapter: 13.1 Axis-specific Variables).

Setting of positive software limit switch (G99) 1:

"Non-modal"only corresponds to G98, the software limit switch itself is, of course, valid program modal.

During reset and machine start up these variables are pre-allocated with values [2]-10.

Programming example

N10 G90
N10 G99 X+1000 Y+2000 Sets positive software limit switch in
X to +1000 and in Y to +2000
Setting of positive software limit switch (G99) 2: