The MC_AbortTrigger FB is used to abort commands that are related to trigger events (e.g. MC_TouchProbe).
Block diagram

Parameters of the FB
VAR_IN_OUT | |||
| Axis | AXIS_REF | Axis reference. |
| TriggerInput | TRIGGER_REF | Reference for the trigger signal source |
| Execute | BOOL | Aborts a command from FB MC_TouchProbe at the rising edge. |
| Done | BOOL | Measurement command is aborted. |
| Busy | BOOL | Is TRUE, while a measuring command is aborted. |
| Error | BOOL | Indicates if an error has occurred. |
| ErrorID | WORD | Error identification. |
Behavior of the FB
- A measurement command is only aborted if the axis is in the state ‘Standstill’, ‘Continuous Motion’, ‘Discrete Motion’, ‘Synchronized Motion’, or ‘Stopping’. Moreover, no other command for aborting of a measurement command must be active in the measurement channel specified by ‘trigger_input’. The measurement channel must therefore be in the state ‘TP_IDLE’ or ‘TOUCHPROBING’. If this is not the case, the ‘Error’ output is set to TRUE and ‘ErrorID’ indicates an error value that designates the current axis state.
- If there is already an abort of a measurement command in a measurement channel active, no further command for aborting can be sent to this measurement channel. Therefore, the FB cannot be retriggered. If it is nevertheless commanded, the ‘Error’ output becomes TRUE and reports the value 44010 (ERR_PO_AX_TPABORT_RETRIG) at ‘ErrorID’.
- Errors are also generated, if, while abort measuring in the active state, the axis reference, the measurement channel or the measurement type has changed. These error codes have the following values: