Denominator of hand wheel resolution(P-MANU-00006)
Variable name | Type | Permissible range | Dimension |
hr_aufl_n | UNS32 | 1 ... MAX(UNS32) | U |
EXAMPLE: Two hand wheels are to be configured. These contain the logical hand wheel numbers "1" and "2". The hand wheel resolutions are (100 Increments / revolution) and (2700 Increments / 14 revolutions).
Extract from "hand_mds.lis":
# hand wheel data
# ==============================================================================
hr_data[0]. log_hr_nr 1 # logic hand wheel number handwheel 1
hr_data[0].hr_aufl_z 100 # Numerator hand wheel resolution handwheel 1
hr_data[0].hr_aufl_n 1 # Demonimator hand wheel resolution handwheel 1
# ==============================================================================
hr_data[1].log_hr_nr 2 # logic hand wheel number handwheel 2
hr_data[1].hr_aufl_z 2700 # Numerator hand wheel resolution handwheel 2
hr_data[1].hr_aufl_n 14 # Denominator hand wheel resolution handwheel 2