Address of hand wheel counter(P-MANU-00004)

In dependence on the element P-MANU-00003 here either the hand wheel counter address or the index in the HLI-Array for the reading of the increments is defined.

Variable name


Permissible range




0 ... MAX(UNS16)





Physical address of a counter module.


Arrayindex in High Level Interface (HLI).

Value HR_MAX



Maximum count of the hand wheel

EXAMPLE 1: Two hand wheels are to be configured.These contain the logical hand wheel numbers "1" and "2".The reading of the increments is done by direct hardware access:

Extract from "hand_mds.lis":

# hand wheel data 
# ===========================================================================
hr_data[0].log_hr_nr 1 #logic hand wheel number handwheel 1
hr_data[0].hr_zaehler_direct_access 1 #Hardware access Handwheel 1
hr_data[0].adr_hr_zaehler 0x0030 #address Handwheel 1
hr_data[1].log_hr_nr 2 #logic hand wheel number handwheel 2
hr_data[1].hr_zaehler_direct_access 1 #Hardware access Handwheel 1
hr_data[1].adr_hr_zaehler 0x0080 #address Handwheel 2

EXAMPLE2: Two hand wheels are to be configured. These contain the logical hand wheel numbers "1" and "2". The reading of the increments is done via HLI-interface:

Extract from "hand_mds.lis":

# hand wheel data 
# ===========================================================================
hr_data[0].log_hr_nr #logic hand wheel number handwheel 1
hr_data[0].hr_zaehler_direct_access 0 #HLI-Access handwheel 1
hr_data[0].adr_hr_zaehler 0 #Index in HLI-Array handwheel 1
hr_data[1].log_hr_nr 2 #logic hand wheel number handwheel 2
hr_data[1].hr_zaehler_direct_access 0 #HLI-Access handwheel 1
hr_data[1].adr_hr_zaehler 1 #Index in HLI-Array handwheel 1