Logic hand wheel number(P-MANU-00002)

With the structure element "hr_data[i].log_hr_nr", the logic hand wheel number of a hand wheel is defined. The logic hand wheel number is distinct in the entire system. Through the logical hand wheel number, the software-technical assignment of the activation and deactivation job request to a physcial hand wheel takes place. Through the logical hand wheel number, also the assignment of of a physical hand wheel to a logical axis also occurs.


A logic hand wheel number should not be assigned several times. If this is the case, then there occurs an error message during the plausibility test of the manual operation data. The logic hand wheel number "0" is not permitted.

Logic hand wheel number(P-MANU-00002) 1:

The activation and the deactivation of manual operation modes is described in [Programming].

Variable name


Permissible range




1 ... MAX(UNS16)


EXAMPLE: Two physical handwheels are to be configured. These should be identified with the logical hand wheel numbers "1" and "2".

Extract from "hand_mds.lis":

# hand wheel data 
# ===========================================================================
hr_data[0].log_hr_nr 1 # logic hand wheel number hand wheel 1
hr_data[1].log_hr_nr 2 # logic hand wheel number hand wheel 2