For each PLC system that PLC library contains the function block its urgent to call an instance of the function block if the application needs to get access to the HLI.
Rasing edge at input bStart starts a request to NC-Kernel to get information about number of channels, number of axes of actual configuration. The result of the request is checked against the values inside the PLC. If differences occur output bError becomes TRUE and at output bErrorId appears an error value. If the check is successful output bInitialized changes to TRUE and the PLC application can access via global defined pointers (see Table 15-1) the specific areas of the HLI (see PLC program frame).
Block diagram

Parameters of FB
| bStart | BOOL | Raising edge leads to check if HLI definition on PLC side is the same as on NC-Kernel side. |
| bBusy | BOOL | Request of information about HLI from NC-Kernel and checking of information is still active. |
| bInitialized | BOOL | Check was successful and now its first time allowed to access the HLI. |
| bError | BOOL | Is TRUE, if error occurs. |
| iErrorId | UDINT | Errror identification. |
| iPlcErrorId | UDINT | Specific error value of used PLC system. Detailed explanations see Table 15-2, error value 9 (ISG_PLC_PFORM_ERROR). |
| expectedHli | HLI_DIAGNOSTIC | Information about characteristic of HLI on side of PLC. Data structure contains number of some HLI areas and version identifier. |
| actualHli | HLI_DIAGNOSTIC | Information about characteristic of HLI on side of NC-Kernel. |
Behaviour of the FB
- Table of error identifiers
Error ID | Global constant | Description |
0 | ISG_NO_ERROR | All OK no error occurred |
1 | ISG_WRONG_PARAMETER | Version identifier of HLI of and NC-Kernel are different. |
2 | ISG_WRONG_PARAMETER | Different characteristic (number channels, number axes, ) of HLI at PLC and NC-Kernel. |
9 | ISG_PLC_PFORM_ERROR | Error occured in relation with used PLC system. PLC system specific error value is displayed at output iPlcErrorId if available. Example: In case of TwinCAT this may be a ADS error. ADS error value than will be displayed. |