Manual mode
The manual mode (HB) enables an external controlling of individual axes with physical elements of manual operation (handwheel, inching keys, joy stick) via the HLI. The following three manual operation modes for axis movements are possible.
- Handwheel function : Any desired path with any desired velocity by
definition of hand wheel increments. - Continuous jog mode: Any desired path with parametrizable velocity by
switching operation. - Jog mode: Pre-specified path with parametrizable velocity by
switching operation
It is possible to assign during operation the elements of manual operation to one single or multiple axis and to change the parametrization (e.g. the incremental jogging distance). The assignment of the control element to the logical axis is done via the logical axis number. The following figure shows as an example the assignment of control elements to NC-axes.

In the manual operation mode, each axis can switch between three states:
Following steps for the use of manual mode for an axis are necessary:
- Activation of the state BEREIT for all axes
- Parametrization of the manual operation mode
- Activation of the manual mode (Transition to state AKTIV)
- Transfer of the operator commands (key contact, count of handwheel increments) to CNC.
Transition to state BEREIT
The transition to the state BEREIT can be executed by following two actions:
- Explicit switching of operation mode via HLI or GUI
- Programming of G200/G201 in NC-program or manual block
Now in state BEREIT the desired manual mode can be parametrized.
Transition to state AKTIV
Transition of the axis to the state AKTIV, as soon as a control element has been assigned.
Transfer of the operator input
To move the axis in the state AKTIV, now the operator input via the control elements can be transferred to the CNC.
Deselection of manual mode
The state AKTIV of an axis is delectably a Reset or if the axis is assigned to the control element 0
The structure AxeHBDisplayData_Data contains information about the state of an axis regarding manual operation (see chapter 9.1).