External commanding of an axis
Activation of external position- or velocity command values, Axis | |
Description | Predefinition of velocity- or position command values by the PLC effective additional to the interpolator. No monitoring of the values regarding the dynamic limits of the axis. To activate this interface axis parameter P-AXIS-00091 (see also [Axis Parameter]) has to be set to 1. |
| MCControlAddCmdValueUnit, s. description Control Unit |
Characteristics | While using this interface there is a durable offset of the axis positions in the interpolator and decoder. A new synchronisation of the axes positions is executed e.g. during program start, after homing, after measuring or by the NC-command #SET DEC LR SOLL. If no synchronization is wanted parameter P-AXIS-00322 (see also [Axis Parameter]) has to be set to 1. |
Access | PLC writes Command + Enable |
ST path | pAC[axis_idx]^.addr^.McControlLr_Data.MCControlAddCmdValueUnit_AddCmdValue |
Commanded values | |
ST element | . HLIAddCmdValue_Command |
Data type | HLIAddCmdValueData |
Activation | |
ST element | . X_Enable |
External command values, Axis | |
Description | Handing over of the additional position- or velocity command values. After activation both values are effective at the same time. |
Data type | HLIAddCmdValueData |
ST path | pAC[axis_idx]^.addr^.McControlLr_Data.MCControlAddCmdValueUnit_AddCmdValue.HLIAddCmdValue_Command |
Elements of data type | |
ST element | . D_AddPosValue |
Characteristics | Absolute value |
Data type | DINT |
Unit | 0.1μm |
Access | PLC writes |
ST element | .D_AddSpeedValue |
Data type | DINT |
Unit | 1μm/s |
Access | PLC writes |