Error message from look-ahead

Version: V253_02R.001 Module: BAVO_FIN.C (Date/Time): 0/253852
Travel over positive software limit switch
Error ID : 120002 BF type: 5 Channel ID: 1
Multiple ID: 0 Line : 2239 Commu ID: 50
Remedy class: 5 Reaction class: 2
------------------------ Root type: 1 -------------------------------
NC file : log. path No. 9 ->
NC program: Test
Block number: 20 File offset: 42 Block offset: 0
-------------------------- NC block ----------------------------------
N020 X2345 Y15
------------------ Output of values 1->5 -----------------------------
Value_1: current value is 23450000.000000 [0.1*10^-3 mm or °]
value_2: limit value is 15000000.000000 [0.1*10^-3 mm or °]
Value_3: logical axis number is 1

Besides the display of internal control information, the following elements are important for diagnosis:

Unique error ID, in this case 120002, remedy class and reaction class, name of the NC program, block number in the NC program and block number in the NC program.

From the values, we can tell that the problem lies in the axis with the logical axis number 1, that the limit (of the limit switches) is at the position 1.500 mm and that the target position is 2.345 mm.