Error message from NC program decoding

In the following example, the error information features simple formatting. It shows an error message in which an unknown G function has been programmed.

Version: V253_02R.001 Module: DIN_FKT1.C (Date/Time): 0/144836
Unknown G function.
Error ID : 20131 BF type: 9 Channel ID: 1
Multiple ID: 0 Line : 8605 Commu ID: 32
Remedy class: 2 Reaction class: 2
------------------------ Root type: 1 --------------------------------
NC file : log. path No.. 9 ->
NC program: Timer1
Block number : 30 File offset: 72 Block offset: 29
-------------------------- NC block -----------------------------------
> ?
N030 G91 X10 Y200 F100 G1234 G1
------------------ Output of values 1->5 ------------------------------
Value_1: current value is 1234 [-]

Besides the display of internal control information, the following elements are important for diagnosis:

Unique error ID, in this case 20131, remedy class and reaction class, name of the NC program, block number in the NC program and, if applicable, file and block offsets.

The incorrect location can be marked clearly by a suitable evaluation and presentation of the file and block offsets.