Error reaction for command value based software limit monitoring (P-CHAN-00147)
This parameter defines the error reaction for specific axes of the channel for command value-based software limit monitoring. The error reaction of the actual value-based monitoring is not affected. The function is a characteristic of channel axes.
Variable name | Type | Permitted range | Dimension |
soft_limit_warning_axes | UNS32 | 0x0..0xFFFFFFFF | ---- |
0 | Error reaction is feed hold of all axes at command value-based exceeding of software limits, channel remains in error state until CNC RESET. (Default) |
!=0 | Only output of a warning at command value-based exceeding of software limits for the defined axes, machining is continued. |
EXAMPLE:Warning at command value based software limit exceeding for the axes 1 to 3 of the channel.
Extract from channel parameters list:
soft_limit_warning_axes 0x7