Sub program call with M6 (P-CHAN-00118)

The parameter "m6_prog_file" defines the name of a global sub program, which is implicitly called, if M6 in the NC program has been detected.

In this case a M6 is not processed as a normal M function, but in the sense of a global sub program analogous to "L ..." . So also, no techno process is initiated.

If the parameter "m6_prog_file" is not set or it is not available in the channel parameters list, the M6 is processed as a normal M function.

In NC program the sub program name also can be defined by the command #FILENAME [M6="<prog_name>"]. This new sub program name is valid until program end M30 or until a further #FILENAME [M6="<prog_name>"] [PROG].

After RESET or program starts the entry of "m6_prog_file" in the channel parameters list is valid again.

Variable name


Permitted range






Extract from channel parameters list:
