Mode of orientation angle (P-CHAN-00112)

Dependend on the transformation type in a complete transformation the orientation either can be programmed by an orientation vector with the components U, V, W or via the three rotation angles A, B, C around the coordinate system axes. Due to the additional degree of freedom in the manual orientation the definition of the orientation vector via the three rotation angles usual is a characteristic of robotic structures.

In the last case the order of this rotations around the assigned axes X, Y, Z leads to the target orientation respectively to the target effector coordinate system. If not defined in another way, the single rotations are executed in mathematic positive direction around the coordinate system axes.

Some kinematics use special sequences of rotations, which are not described in this chapter. In these cases a switching via P-CHAN-00112 is not possible. For standard five axes kinematics P-CHAN-00112 is not relevant.

Variable name


Permitted range




0, 1, 2



Default, YPR (Yaw Pitch Role) order of rotation: 1. Rotation around Z, 2. Negative rotation around Y, 3. Rotation around X


Euler, order of rotation: 1. Rotation around Z, 2. Rotation around Y, 3. Rotation around Z


Robotics, order of rotation: 1. Rotation around Z (A), 2. Rotation around Y(B), 3. Rotation around X(C)