Mode of the coupled axes pair (P-CHAN-00061)
The synchronous operation is possible for linear axes and also for spindle axes. For this for each axes pair the type of coupling must be declared by the element "mode".
Variable name | Type | Permitted range | Dimension |
mode | UNS16 | 0, 1 | ---- |
0 | Coupled axis pair consists of linear axes |
1 | Coupled axis pair consists of spindle axes |
EXAMPLE:The coupled axes pair[0] within the coupling group [0] consists of linear axes (mode 0).
The coupled axes pair[1] within the coupling group [0] consists of spindle axes (mode 1).
Extract from channel parameters list:
# Predefinition of axes links for synchronous operation of coupling group [0]
# ===========================================================================
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_slave 4
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_master 1
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].mode 0
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].log_achs_nr_slave 11
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].log_achs_nr_master 6
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].mode 1